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Expectations Journal Entry

So far this experience has met a lot of my expectations. One of my goals was to get to know the community and sort of integrate myself into their daily life. I think today has been a great example. I just got back from a festival in a neighboring community. It was hosted by an organization called Movimiento Comunal, who works to educate kids on environmental issues through the use of art and theater. Today they focused on climate change and they had older kids from community perform a play titled “El Ciclo.” It was really great to see different communities come together and support a cause. My partner and I went with some jovenes from our community and the town leader’s wife and kids. The jovenes from the community were invited and told us to come along. I love that they felt comfortable and consider us more as friends rather than just as volunteers. Also, our “campamentos” (classes) have been going really well; and as of this Monday we’re starting to co-facilitate classes with a joven from the community. Arlen (the joven) has been trained by CARE and we believe she is such a strong resource. I think the fact that we’ve located and started forming friendships with involved and motivated jovenes. I think the only think I intend to change is how I deal with the leadership style in the community. At first (and currently) I became very frustrated with the way the leader handled things. But after discussing it with my supervisor, I realize I need to focus on his strengths. For example, the fact that he welcomes AMIGOS with open arms is a very strong positive. I need to focus on that and keep attempting to work in a respectful manner.

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